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I Don't Care


Waking up diagonal like an animal
In a cold and empty bed, yeah
Shaking off the trimly you
I got shit to do and I'm ready to forget, oh yeah
I heard you brought that girl around
In half a gown and mystified in bed, oh yeah
Ask me how I'm doing now
I scream out loud, I tell him I don't care
And I don't care

I don't care
And it feels so fucking good to say I swear
That I don't care
And every word
There are ordinary hearts so don't play fair
But I don't care

I don't care
I don't care
Oh no
I don't care
I don't care
Oh no

In this town what gets around
But don't bring me down, just stare looking my head, yeah
So take me out and turn it up
Well let's make it rough
We're gonna wake the dead, oh baby
Everyone is saying now, just slow it down
Or I'll get hurt again, oh yeah
When these things are feeling me, it's healing me
And I'm screaming I don't care
And I don't care

I don't care
And it feels so fucking good to say I swear
That I don't care
And every word
There are ordinary hearts so don't play fair
But I don't care

I don't care
I don't care
Oh no
I don't care
I don't care
Oh no

There's an arrow in your way
Doesn't matter anyway, oh oh
I can see the milky way and it seems so far away, oh
Doesn't matter anyway
It's all falling into place
Just ignore the pretty face
Disappears without a trace
There ain't nothing left to say

I don't care
Feels so good
Oh, I don't care, oh
I don't care

I don't care
And it feels so fucking good to say I swear
That I don't care
And every word
There are ordinary hearts so don't play fair
But I don't care

I don't care
I don't care
Oh no
I don't care
I don't care
Oh no

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Letra en inglés de I Don't Care de Cheryl

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