I'm an Albatraoz
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C'est parti!
Let me tell you all a story
About a mouse, name dilory
Dilory was a mouse in a big brown house
She call herself a hoe
With the money money blow
But fuck that little mouse 'couse I'm an albatraoz
I'm an albatraoz
I'm an albatraoz
Dilory said she was a mouse
Smoked the cheese and light it out
Moneyli money money hoe
Katching katching katching kablow
Dilory was a witch, yeah a sneaky little bitch
So fuck that little mouse 'cause I'm an albatrouz
I'm an albatraoz
I'm an albatraoz
S'il vous plaît
Soyez prêt pour AronChupa et Albatraoz
C'est parti!
Let me tell you all a story
About a mouse, name dilory
Dilory was a mouse in a big brown house
She call herself a hoe
With the money money blow
But fuck that little mouse 'couse I'm an albatraoz
I'm an albatraoz
I'm an albatraoz
Dilory said she was a mouse
Smoked the cheese and light it out
Moneyli money money hoe
Katching katching katching kablow
Dilory was a witch, yeah a sneaky little bitch
So fuck that little mouse 'cause I'm an albatrouz
I'm an albatraoz
I'm an albatraoz
English-Spanish Dictionary
© bab.la
Letra en inglés de I'm an Albatraoz de AronChupa
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