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Cassy O'

George Ezra

Cassy's got a new plan
Gotta get herself away
Well, I'd better act quick
Yeah, I'd better change my ways

Oh, maybe I'm wasting
Maybe I'm chasing time
Oh, come on, let's face it
I'm only ever lost in mine

Well, I got my tracing paper
So that I could trace my clock
And the bastard face kept changing
And the hands, they wouldn't stop

I was ripping out the battery
I received myself a shock
And to add insult to injury
I could still hear tick & tock

Please don't leave
Please don't leave

Cassy's got a new plan
Gotta give herself a break
And I try, I try, I try
For heaven's sake

Well, I travelled to Australia
And I travelled there by train
This something might sound strange to you
But on the way I gained a day

And I wrote to tell my family
And I wrote to tell my friends
I arrived home, it was lost again
And this torture never ends


Inspector, fix me, my Cassy O's burnt out
We're losing memories that I can't replace
She says she's tired of me running in circles
She says it's time that we took a break


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Letra en inglés de Cassy O' de George Ezra

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