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Machine Head

Blind man ask me forgiveness
I won't deny myself
Disrespect, he has given
His suffering's my wealth

I feed off pain, force fed to love it
And now I swallow whole
I'll never live in the past
Let freedom ring with the shotgun blast!

Burn my fist to the concrete
Their fear is my strength
Power, rage unbound strength
Been pounded by the streets

Cyanide blood burns down the skyline
Hatred is purity
The bullet connects at last
Let freedom ring with the shotgun blast!

Scarred, scarred, scarred, scarred
Pour the salt in the wound
Scarred, pour the salt in the wound
Scarred, pour the salt in the wound
Scarred, pour the salt in the wound
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Añadir Palabra

Letra en inglés de Davidian de Machine Head

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