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Bridgit Mendler

Think the clouds are clogging up my brain
Like the weather drain same as the tears on my face
And I'm stuck up in the storm eye
I guess I'll be alright
Oh (uh oh uh oh)
Oh oh (uh oh uh oh)
Then it hits me like
Oh (uh oh uh oh)
Oh no (uh oh uh oh uh uh oh)

And you're that wind that swept me off my feet
Got me flying til I'm crying and I'm down on my knees
That's what Dorothy was afraid of
The sneaky tornado
Oh (uh oh uh oh)
Oh oh (uh oh uh oh)
There's no place like home
(Uh oh uh oh)
Home (uh oh uh oh uh uh oh)

I'm boarding up the windows
Locking up my heart
It's like every time the wind blows
I feel it tearing us apart
Every time he smiles
I let him in again
Everything is fine
When you're standing in the eye of the hurricane

Here comes the sun, here comes the rain
Standing in the eye of the hurricane
Here comes the sun, here comes the rain
Standing in the eye of the hurricane

I'm flopping on my bed like a flying squirrel
Like a little girl hurt by the big bad world
Yeah, it's twisting up my insides
Can't hide it on the outside
Oh (uh oh uh oh)
Oh oh (uh oh uh oh)
Yeah, it hits me like
Oh (uh oh uh oh)
Oh no (uh oh uh oh uh uh oh)

And that's when you hold me, you hold me
You tell me that you know me, I'll never be lonely
Say we made it through the storm now
But I'm still on the look out
Oh (uh oh uh oh)
Oh oh (uh oh uh oh)
The air's getting cold
(Uh oh uh oh)

I'm boarding up the windows
Locking up my heart
It's like every time the wind blows
I feel it tearing us apart
Every time he smiles
I let him in again
Everything is fine
When you're standing in the eye of the hurricane

Here comes the sun, here comes the rain
Standing in the eye of the hurricane
Here comes the sun, here comes the rain
Standing in the eye of the hurricane

He picks me up like
He's got the way of the hurricane
And I think I'm fine like
I'm in the eye of the hurricane

He picks me up like
He's got the way of the hurricane
And I think I'm fine like
I'm in the eye of the hurricane

And I'm floating, floating
And I don't know when, know when
And I'm gonna drop
He's got the way, he's got the way

I'm boarding up the windows
Locking up my heart
It's like every time the wind blows
I feel it tearing us apart
Every time he smiles
I let him in again
Everything is fine
When you're standing in the eye of the hurricane

Here comes the sun, here comes the rain
Standing in the eye of the hurricane
Here comes the sun, here comes the rain
Standing in the eye of the hurricane

He picks me up like
He's got the way of the hurricane
And I think I'm fine like
I'm in the eye of the hurricane

He picks me up like
He's got the way of the hurricane
And I think I'm fine like
I'm in the eye of the hurricane

Oooh ooh ooh
Oooh ooh ooh

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Letra en inglés de Hurricane de Bridgit Mendler

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