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Wear Me Out

Skylar Grey

Smart ass little girl
Always on the run
Playing with fire
And daddy's gun

Falling in love
And stolen wine
Where did we go wrong
My foolish child?

She said I'm too young to drink
Too green to think
You say these things and it wears me out
Too young, too frail but sometimes I feel
Like old blue jeans 'cause you wear me out
You wear me out

Well who are you to judge
Miss accidental wife
Who was the genius that brought me to life
Well you're such an hypocrite to think me so unwise
I'm just trying to see the world through my own eyes
But you say

I'm too young to drink
Too green to think
You say these things and it wears me out
Too young, too frail but sometimes I feel
Like old blue jeans 'cause you wear me out
You wear me out

Well I'm tattered and torn , see what you do
Just admit it was all because of you
When I don't come home 'till the early morning

Too young to drink
Too green to think
You say these things and it wears me out
Too young, too frail but sometimes I feel
Like old blue jeans 'cause you wear me out
You wear me out
You wear me out
Don't you know that you wear me out
You wear me out

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