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Pretty Boy


You're like my shadow
You're a borderline stalker
But you've never kissed a girl
You're just a big talker

You look like a runaway doll
High fashion know it all
Your favorite phrase
Is OMG that's so hot

Every time I see you
You look pretty
Better than the girls in
New York city
But you are a boy
So pity pity
Perfect little hands that
Are always kept nice
Porcelain skin with charming
Blue eyes
But you're much too fine
Every to be mine

Such a prissy preppy
Too long to get ready
Pretty boy
Yeah a delicately
Packaged precious toy you
Pretty boy

You get mistaken for
A girl cause you rock girlie jeans
You wear so much guyliner
People think your Bon Jovi

I've changed my number thrice
But you still can't see the signs
Only want guys
That aren't more beautiful than me

Every time I see you
You look pretty
Better than the girls in
New York city
But you are a boy
So pity pity
Perfect little hands that
Are always kept nice
Porcelain skin with charming
Blue eyes
But you're much too fine
Every to be mine

Such a prissy preppy
Too long to get ready
Pretty boy
Yeah a delicately
Packaged precious toy you
Pretty boy

Flowers grow
And flowers fade
But beauty of
The soul remains

Every time I see you
You look pretty
Better than the girls in
New York city
But you are a boy
So pity pity

Perfect little hands that
Are always kept nice
Porcelain skin with charming
Blue eyes
But you're much too fine
Every to be mine

Such a prissy preppy
Too long to get ready
Pretty boy
Yeah a delicately
Packaged precious toy you
Pretty boy

Lala lala lala laa..

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Letra en inglés de Pretty Boy de Edurne

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