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The Wire ft. Ruby Frost

David Dallas

Easy, what you want
Could be another thing, it is a power of its own
Easy, what you've got
One minute it is here, and then another it is gone

And higher, and higher, I'm going on a limb
The wire, the wire, is growing very thin
And you can call it, but I'm never gonna wanna leave
The wire the wire, though it's giving up on me

[Verse 1: David Dallas]
It's time to knuckle down
No time to run around, acting crazy its real
Nothing Fugazi until I'm Swayze in ghost
I'm trying things that seem fucking crazy to most
As kiwi kids it ain't in our nature to boast
So we be playing things down we be making jokes
In case we choke rather make out like we didn't try
Than bare the shame that we built a plane that didn't fly
Living lies, man if only we could live a little
The end might not be great but it was good in the middle
You may get chastised but the work you did outlives you
And if you did it from the heart know that they'll forgive you
May nobody forbid you from this first step
On a high wire it could be your worst yet
It could be your best i walked on it once or twice
Thought I'd stumble to my death
Though I feel it getting thinner
I'm still standing on the edge


[Verse 2: David Dallas]
Yeah, attracted to this life
Or the facade of it
Ain't what it seems, still I wanna be a part of it
I carry some scars from it
You never know if you can carry a film
If you've never been the star of it
Put a couple large on it, going for the Oscar no
Thought I'd be happy with the Emmys then you got it wrong
I had to leave 'em behind although
We got along guess the trains leaving today
You're either off or on
Dunno if I got it wrong I live with it though
Play some good defense
Stick with it though best shape of my life
I'm sick with it though and up on the main stage
I bought tickets though and I can't quit the show
Though I know its such a long way down
Been such a long way now
That I've forgotten who I used to be
Now doing this is the only thing that's true to me

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Letra en inglés de The Wire ft. Ruby Frost de David Dallas

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