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Air Balloon

Lily Allen

Somebody remind me where I am
Miami or Timbuktu?
Did I ever tell you my uncle's monkey ran away from the zoo?
Would you tell me what this all means?
What happens if I go through that door?
Cause I'm looking up at the ceiling
But it's turning into the floor

When I'm bored, I, kinda drift away
I'm not sure, quite, why we work all day
I've been thinking, and I've got this plan

Let's go, right now

Come meet me in the sky I'll be waiting for you
And we can't hear what they say
Up in my air balloon, air balloon, air balloon
Sing, sing along, along any song you want to
Now we're so high, it can't rain
Up in my air balloon, air balloon, air balloon (ha)

Na na na na na na...mmmm
Na na na na na na...mmmm

I don't like dropping names
But Kurt Cobain is all in my face
How the hell am I gonna tell him
Elvis already took first base?
In and out of the blue this cruise
Is losing altitude, all we need
Is a little more elevation
Take me back to where I can breathe

When I'm bored, I, kinda drift away
I'm not sure, quite, why we work all day
I've been thinking, and I've got this plan

Let's go, right now

Come meet me in the sky I'll be waiting for you
And we can't hear what they say
Up in my air balloon, air balloon, air balloon
Sing, sing along, along any song you want to
Now we're so high, it can't rain
Up in my air balloon, air balloon, air balloon (ha)

Na na na na na na...mmmm
Na na na na na na...mmmm
Na na na na na na...mmmm
Na na na na na na...mmmm

Shake it, sh- shake it now
Gimme, gimme some
Sailing sa-sailing through the clouds
Tripping trip trip it now

Shake it, sh- shake it now
Gimme, gimme some
Sailing sa-sailing through the clouds
Tripping trip trip it now

Come meet me in the sky I'll be waiting for you
And we can't hear what they say
Up in my air balloon, air balloon, air balloon
Sing, sing along along any song you want to
Now we're so high it can't rain
Up in my air balloon, air balloon, air balloon

Come meet me in this.....Na na na na na na
Up in my air balloon, air balloon, air balloon
Come meet me in this.....Na na na na na na

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Letra en inglés de Air Balloon de Lily Allen

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