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A Year Without Rain

Selena Gomez


Can you feel me?
When I think about you
with every breath I take
Every minute
No matter what I do
My world is an empty place

Like I've been wordering the dessert
for a thousand days
Don't know if its a mirage
but I always see your face, baby..

I'm missing you so much
Can't help it I'm in love

A day without is like a year without rain
I need you by my side
Don't know how I'll survive
But a day without you is like a year without raaaiiiin, oohhh


The stars are burning
I hear your voice in my mind
Can't you hear me calling
My heart is yearning
Like the ocean thats running dry
Catch me I'm falling

It's like the ground is crumbling underneath my feet
(Won't you save me)
This is gonna be a monsoon when you get back to be, oohh baby

I missing you so much
Cant help it I'm in love
A day without is like a year without rain

I need you by my side
Don't know how I'll survive
A day without you is like a year without raaaaiiin, oohh


So let this drought come to an end
And make this desert flower again
I need you nearer
Can't explain
A day without you
Is like a year without raaaaiiiiin, oohh

I missing you so much
Cant help it I'm in love
A day without you
Is like a year without rain

I need you by my side
Don't know how I'll survive
A day without you is like a year without raaaaiiin, oohh

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