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Cop Car

Keith Urban

We drove right past
That no trespassing sign
We sat on the tailgate
And watched the planes take off

We thought we had all night
There was no need to rush
That's when those cops
Came pulling up
And I thought
Man, ain't this some shhhh

Your daddy's gonna kill me
But if I survive tonight
I wouldn't change one thing
Baby, yeah
I know it sounds crazy

But there was something bout the way
The blue lights were shining
Bringing out the freedom in your eyes
I was too busy watching you
Going wild child
To be worried about going to jail
You were thinking that
Running for it
Would make a good story
I was thinking you were crazy as hell
And you were so
But you were stealing my heart
I fell in love in the back of a cop car

Man, they weren't playing
They sure threw those cuffs on quick
You tried to sweet talk 'em
They didn't fall for it
But I did
You were on the left
I was on the right
I knew you didn't smoke
When you asked him for a light
And I laughed
He got mad and slammed the door

Your daddy's gonna kill me
But if I survive tonight
I wouldn't change one thing
Baby, yeah
I know it sounds crazy

But there was something bout the way
The blue lights were shining
Bringing out the freedom in your eyes
I was too busy watching you
Going wild child
To be worried about going to jail
You were thinking that
Running for it
Would make a good story
I was thinking you were crazy as hell
And you were so
But you were stealing my heart
I fell in love in the back of a cop car

Side by side
And locked in tight
They were taking their time
But we didn't mind

We talked
And we laughed
We sat real close
By the time they let us go
I was already gone

But there was something bout the way
The blue lights were shining
Bringing out the freedom in your eyes
I was too busy watching you
Going wild child
To be worried about going to jail
You were thinking that
Running for it
Would make a good story
I was thinking you were crazy as hell
And you were so
But you were stealing my heart
I fell in love in the back of a cop car

Side by side
And locked in tight
They were taking their time
But we didn't mind

We talked
And we laughed
We sat real close
By the time they let us go
I was already gone
I was already gone

I fell in love in the back of a cop car

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