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Something Bad

Miranda Lambert

Stand on the bar stomp your feet start clapping
Got a real good feeling something bad about to happen

Oh Oh Oh Oh X3

Pulled up to the church but I got so nervous
Had to back it on up couldn't make it to the service
Grabbed all the cash underneath my mattress
Got a real good feeling something bad about to happen

Oh Oh Oh Oh X2

Ran into a girl in a pretty white dress
Rolled down the window"Where you headed to next"
Said I'm headed to the bar with my money out the mattress
Got a real good feeling something bad about to happen

Oh Oh Oh Oh X2

Stand on the Bar stomp your feet start clapping
Got a real good feeling something bad about to happen
Drinks keep coming throw my head back laughing
Wake up in the morning don't know what happened

Oh--- Something Bad
Ohh—Something Bad


Now me and that girl that I met on the street
We're rolling down town in the new Orleans
Got a full tank of gas and my money out the mattress
Got a real good feeling something bad about to happen

Oh Oh Oh Oh X2

Bout to tear it up down in New Orleans
Just like a real life Thelma and Louise
If the cops catch up they gonna call it kidnapping
Got a real good feeling something bad about to happen

Oh oh oh—ohh X2
Stand on the bar stomp your feet start clapping
Got a real good feeling something bad about to happen
Drinks keep coming throw my head back laughing
Wake up in the morning don't know what happened

Ohh Something Bad
Ohhh something Bad

Stand on the bar stomp your feet start clapping
Got a real good feelin something bad about to happen
Drinks keep comin throw my head back laughing
Wake up in the morning don't know what happened

Ohh Something Bad
Ohh Something Bad

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Letra en inglés de Something Bad de Miranda Lambert

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