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Trouble with My Baby

Paloma Faith

Well, you ask for money
It's always something
We're getting close to goodbye
You're running out of time

I need someone to rely on
A shoulder to cry on
Instead of someone of mine
Gotta draw the line, baby, baby

You changed and I need a little loving
I can't keep giving you all to get back nothing

When will somebody save me?
I got trouble with my baby
Come on, come on, won't you shake me
Please, somebody wake me

'Cause I know, I do, too much, for you
I got trouble with my baby
Got trouble with my baby

You got problems with the motion
Don't know if you're coming or going
There's emptiness in your eyes
Your tongue's always tied

Had enough of being a hero
One day I'm gonna give yah zero
And you'll have no place to hide
In this heart of mine, baby, baby

You changed and I need a little loving
I can't keep giving you all to get back nothing

When will somebody save me?
I got trouble with my baby
Come on, come on, won't you shake me
Please, somebody wake me

'Cause I know, I do, too much, for you
I got trouble with my baby
Got trouble with my baby

I can't go on like this
You got me so damn pissed
Your taking makes me sick
Momma said there'll be days like this

Now the whole world knows I got trouble with my baby
Got trouble with my baby
Come on, come on, won't you shake me
Please, somebody wake me

'Cause I know, I do, too much, for you
I got trouble with my baby
Yes I have
Won't somebody help me?
Got trouble with my baby (x3)
Trouble with my baby

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Letra en inglés de Trouble with My Baby de Paloma Faith

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