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Saw things that the rat saw
And my eyes couldn't take them in
Just want to fall here silently
Into the arms of people I love
Under waiting stars as the ships come rolling in

But look at the way the faces turn
Eyes burn why (eyes burn why)
If you'd be the sky then I'll be the bird
But look at the way the faces turn
Eyes burn why (eyes burn why)
If you'd be the sky then I'll be the bird

So the power lines were leaning
And all was lost
Make a vow with the city lights
With your fingers crossed
You said I'd be a place and time
Said I'd be a man
Making eyes with a sea of lies
So you understand
That you're raping on my dreaming
And you're ruining my best made plans

The rat he turned and bared his teeth at you
The wake is calling, what you gonna do?
But your head's gone
And it won't be long
The rat he turned and bared his teeth at you
The wake is calling, what you gonna do?
But your head's gone
And it won't be long

So the sinners stopped and the villains turned
And I'll be the sky and you be the bird
Let's meet the mountains and see what they heard
And I'll be the sky and you be the bird

And I'll be the sky and you be the bird (x4)

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Letra en inglés de Backroads de Lonely The Brave

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