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Amelia Lily

Laying here
Feeling so rough
Guess the pink bubbles didn't do enough
To cover up the way I feel
What's the point in wearing these heels?
Still my... make-up's on
Mascara's run
Not sure it was tears or a heavy one
I'm losing it
But now you're gone
You got me singing a sad song
Oh, it's cold
Sleeping in this bed alone
Oh, I just wanna let you know

I've been living in denial
Trying to raise a smile
Life is picking on me
Looking at your pictures
Who's that with you
She ain't a patch on me

Cause you're in California
And I'm in London city
Tell me what I have done
To deserve this
Cause you're in California
And I'm in London city
Tell me what I have done
To deserve this

You're full of shit
She's buying it
You got yourself a hole
Go lie in it
If it's a game
Well nothing's changed
I still want you the same
This ain't me
I've been weak
I'm so sick of this hide and seek

I'm losing it
But now you're gone
You got me singing a sad song
Oh, it's cold
Sleeping in this bed alone
Oh, I just wanna let you know
I've been living in denial
Trying to raise a smile
Life is picking on me
Looking at your pictures
Who's that with you
She ain't a patch on me

Cause you're in California
And I'm in London city
Tell me what I have done
To deserve this
Cause you're in California
And I'm in London city
Tell me what I have done
To deserve this

Can you make me feel better
Come on make me feel alright
Give me some whatever
Something that will get me through the night
Can you make me feel better
Come on make me feel alright
Give me some whatever
Something that will get me through the night

Oh, it's cold
Sleeping in this bed alone
Oh, I just wanna let you know
I've been living in denial
Trying to raise a smile
Life is picking on me
Looking at your pictures
Who's that with you
She ain't a patch on me

Cause you're in California
And I'm in London city
Tell me what I have done
To deserve this
Cause you're in California
And I'm in London city
Tell me what I have done
To deserve this

Can you make me feel better
Come on make me feel alright
Give me some whatever
Something that will get me through the night

Cause you're in California
And I'm in London city
Tell me what I have done
To deserve this

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Letra en inglés de California de Amelia Lily

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