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As Long As I Got You

Lily Allen

It seems like only yesterday you were with somebody else
Soon as it was over though I had claimed you for myself
Didn't take me long before I had moved my stuff to yours
Glad to leave the past behind and I'm glad to close the door

Because you know I love you
Because you know I love you

So far it's been so good and it seems
We'll stand the test of time
You never call me "baby" but you refer to me as "mine"
What I like the best is how you can keep me on my toes
Staying home with you
Is better than sticking things up my nose

I had that awful feeling
That I needed help
My life had lost its meaning
But you saved me from myself

As long as I've got you and we can be
Together and forever just you and me
Well that's swell

You sleep with your mouth wide open
And you go to the pub alone
You only cook from frozen
But I don't ever hear you moan
You let me lie in bed
When you're doing breakfast with the kids
Landing on my feet with you
I'm so happy this is how we live

Because you know I love you
Because you know I love you

I had that awful feeling
That I needed help
My life had lost its meaning
But you saved me from myself

As long as I've got you and we can be
Together and forever just you and me
Well that's swell

I had that awful feeling
That I needed help
My life had lost its meaning
But you saved me from myself

As long as I've got you and we can be
Together and forever just you and me
Well that's swell

As long as I've got you and we can be
Together and forever just you and me
Well that's swell

As long as I've got you and we can be
Together and forever just you and me
Well that's swell

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