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Break Up Song

Pixie Lott

By the grace of your lips
I have long searched happiness
And the love in our hearts
Shone away through the dark

But lately, lately, lately, lately I
Have felt an overwhelming need to cry
And maybe, maybe, maybe we can try
To make it right, oh, to make it right

This is our break up song
But can't we just get along
For the night?
Not a fight
One last goodbye
But just a moment
Let me hope and
Baby, hold back, all the things we haven't said
Make love like we just met

By the way that you kiss
I know it's over, yeah, all of this
And the one world, that we knew
Has broken in two

'Cause lately, lately, lately, lately I
Have felt again a change I can't deny
And, baby, baby, baby, if we try
We make it right, yeah, we make it right

This is our break up song
But can't we just get along
For the night?
Not a fight
One last goodbye
But just a moment
Let me hope and
Baby, hold back all the things we haven't said
Make love like we just met

Oh, I'm gonna miss the way you held me in the morning
I'm gonna miss the future that we planned
The way we fought, the way we kissed
The heat inside, the tenderness
Love was our religion

This is our break up song
But can't we just get along
For the night
In spite
Of the hurt we hide?
For old time's sake
Won't you just take
Me by the waist
Hold me underneath the sheets
Make love like our first week

This is our break up song
Can't we just get along
For the night?
Not a fight
One last goodbye
But just a moment
Let me hope and
Baby, hold back all the things we haven't said
Make love like we just met

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