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The Miracle


I was chasing down the days of fear
Chasing down a dream before it disappeared
I was aching to be somewhere near
Your voice was all I heard

I was shaking from a storm in me
Haunted by the spectres that we had to see
Yeah, I wanted to be the melody
Above the noise, above the hurt

I was young, not dumb
Just wishing to be blinded
By you, brand new
And we were pilgrims on our way

I woke up at the moment
When the miracle occurred
Heard a song that made some sense
Out of the world
Everything I ever lost
Now has been returned
In the most beautiful sound I'd ever heard

We got language so we can't communicate
Religion so I can love and hate
Music so I can exaggerate my pain
And give it a name

I was young, not dumb
Just wishing to be blinded
By you, brand new
And we were pilgrims on our way

I woke up at the moment
When the miracle occurred
Heard a song that made some sense
Out of the world
Everything I ever lost
Now has been returned
In the most beautiful sound I'd ever heard

We can hear you, hear you
We can year you
We can hear you, hear you

I woke up at the moment
When the miracle occurred
I get so many things I don't deserve
All the stolen voices
Will someday be returned
The most beautiful sound I'd ever heard

Your voices will be heard
Your voices will be heard

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Letra en inglés de The Miracle de U2

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