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The Heart Wants What It Wants

Selena Gomez

[Intro (In the YouTube video clip)]
When I was on, when I was on stage
And I was thinking of
I felt like I know
I know him though
And I know that, and I know his heart
And I know what he wouldn't do to hurt me
But I didn't realize that I-I-I
Feeling so confident, feeling so great about myself
And then it just be completely shattered
By one thing, by something so stupid
But then you make me feel crazy
You make me feel like it's my fault
I was in pain

What the heart wants
What the heart wants
What the heart wants

[Verse 1]
You got me sipping on something
I can't compare to nothing
I've ever known, I'm hoping
That after this fever I'll survive
I know I'm acting a bit crazy
Strung out, a little bit hazy
Hand over heart, I'm praying
That I'm gonna make it out alive

The bed's getting cold and you're not here
The future that we hold is so unclear
But I'm not alive until you call
And now I bet the odds against it all
Save your advice cause I won't hear
You might be right, but I don't care
There's a million reasons
Why I should give you up

But the heart wants what it wa-a-a-a-a-nts
The heart wants what it wa-a-a-a-a-nts

[Verse 2]
You got me scattered in pieces
Shining like stars and screaming
Lighting me up like Venus
But then you disappear and make me wait
And every second's like torture
Hell over trip, no more so
Finding a way to let go
Baby, baby, no I can't escape


[Chorus - Extended]
But the heart wants what it wa-a-a-a-a-nts
The heart wants what it wa-a-a-a-a-nts
The heart wants what it wa-a-a-a-a-nts
The heart wants what it wa-a-a-a-a-nts

This is a modern
No happy ending
No wind in our sails
But I can't imagine
A life without
Breathless moments
Breaking me down, down, down, down


[Chorus - Extended]

The heart wants what it wants, baby
The heart wants what it wants, baby
Wants what it wants
Wants what it wants

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