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These Days

Take That

Oh I can see the future
Coming to you
Crying with the sadness in your eyes
And I can find a faith in years I've wasted
Being around enough to feel alive
And when the world is broken, hurt and colder
No one ever knows the reason why
For the ones we may become
For the balance we have won
For the day we wish the sun
Gonna play it loud tonight

When you dream of a dream
And you live in the world
Every hope is a hope
For the best don't want you resting my bones
And you're calling me now
I will see you all the time
Should be out there living the life
And not just watching you

Take me back
Before we all explode
Before we turn to stone
Before the light is gone
Take me back
To where it all began
To where our memories grow
Before the day goes off

Tonight we gotta live for
We gotta live for these days
Tonight, tonight, we'll remember
We'll remember these days

What a day to believe
To believe in the night
Want a date to belong
To a face in the crowd to the beat of your heart
And the moment begin
And you're working it out
And you're holding us all
In your hands, don't want you waiting for

Take me back
Before we lose control
Before the tables turn
Before we break it off
Take me back
To where it all began
To where our memories grow
Before they take us off

Tonight we gotta live for
We gotta live for these days
Tonight, tonight, we'll remember
We'll remember these days

Oh I can see the future
Coming to you
Crying with the sadness in your eyes
And I can find a faith in years I've wasted
Being around enough to feel alive
And when the world is broken, hurt and colder
No one ever knows the reason why
For the ones we may become
For the balance we have won
For the day we wish the sun
Gonna play it loud tonight

Tonight we gotta live for
We gotta live for these days
Tonight, tonight, we'll remember
We'll remember these days

Tonight, tonight, we gotta live for
We gotta live for these days
Tonight, tonight, we'll remember
We'll remember these days

Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
These days
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
These days

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