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FourFiveSeconds ft. Kanye West And Paul McCartney


I think I've had enough
I might get a little drunk
I say what's on my mind
I might do a little time
Cause all of my kindness
Is taken for weakness

Now I'm FourFiveSeconds from wilding
And we got three more days 'til Friday
I'm just tryna make it back home by Monday morning
I swear I wish somebody would tell me
Ooh, that's all I want

Woke up an optimist
Sun was shining, I'm positive
Then I heard you was talking trash
Hold me back, I'm 'bout to spaz

I'm FourFiveSeconds from wilding
And we got three more days 'til Friday
I'm tryna make it back home by Monday morning
I swear I wish somebody would tell me
Ooh, that's all I want

And I know that you're up tonight
Thinking, "How could I be so selfish?"
But you called 'bout a thousand times
Wondering where I've been
Now I know that you're up tonight
Thinking "How could I be so reckless?"
But I just can't apologize
I hope you can understand

If I go to jail tonight
Promise you'll pay my bail
See they want to buy my pride
But that just ain't up for sale
See all of my kindness
Is taken for weakness

Now I'm FourFiveSeconds from wilding
And we got three more days 'til Friday
I'm tryna make it back home by Monday morning
I swear I wish somebody would tell me
Ooh, that's all I want

FourFiveSeconds from wilding
And we got three more days 'til Friday
I'm just tryna make it back home by Monday morning
I swear I wish somebody would tell me
That's all I want

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Letra en inglés de FourFiveSeconds ft. Kanye West And Paul McCartney de Rihanna

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