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You come and pick me up, no headlights
Long drive
Could end in burning flames or paradise
Fade into view, oh, it's been a while
Since I have even heard from you (heard from you)

I should just tell you to leave 'cause I
Know exactly where it leads but I
Watch us go 'round and 'round each time

You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye
And I got that red lip classic thing that you like
And when we go crashing down, we come back every time
'Cause we never go out of style
We never go out of style

You got that long hair, slicked back, white t-shirt
And I got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt
And when we go crashing down, we come back every time
'Cause we never go out of style
We never go out of style

So it goes
He can't keep his wild eyes on the road
Takes me home
Lights are off, he's taking off his coat
I say, "I heard, oh, that you've been out
And about with some other girl, some other girl."

He says, "What you've heard is true but I
Can't stop thinking about you," and I.
I said, "I've been there too a few times."

'Cause you got that James Dean daydream look in your eye
And I got that red lip classic thing that you like
And when we go crashing down, we come back every time
'Cause we never go out of style
We never go out of style

You got that long hair, slicked back, white t-shirt
And I got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt
And when we go crashing down, we come back every time
'Cause we never go out of style
We never go out of style

Take me home
Just take me home, yeah
Just take me home
(out of style)

You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye
And I got that red lip classic thing that you like
And when we go crashing down, we come back every time
'Cause we never go out of style
We never go out of style

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Letra en inglés de Style de Taylor Swift

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