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I got bills I gotta pay
So I'm gon' work, work, work every day
I got mouths I gotta feed
So I'm gon' make sure everybody eats
I got bills!

All these bills pile up my desk
They looking like a mountain (everest!)
All the little kids run around
I can hear their stomachs growl (grrr!)
It's a full moon out
And my girl just keep on howling (ooh, ooh)
She said she gonna leave me
If I don't come home with fifty thousand (fifty thousand?)

God damn, god damn, god damn, god damn
Oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man
God damn, oh man, god damn, oh man

I got bills I gotta pay
So I'm gon' work, work, work every day
I got mouths I gotta feed
So I'm gon' make sure everybody eats
I got bills

Woke up and I bumped my head
Stubbed my toe on the edge of the bed
Opened the fridge and the food all gone
Neighbor damn dog done crapped on my lawn
Hopped in the car and the car won't start
It's too damn hot but I still gotta walk
Behind an old lady in the grocery line
Praying that my card don't get declined

God damn, god damn, god damn, god damn
Oh man, oh man, oh man, oh man
God damn, oh man, god damn, oh man

I got bills I gotta pay
So I'm gon' work, work, work every day
I got mouths I gotta feed
So I'm gon' make sure everybody eats
I got!

(Bringing everybody trouble!)

And my shoes, my shoes
I said my shoes!
Ain't got no sole

I got bills I gotta pay
So I'm gon' work, work, work every day
I got mouths I gotta feed
So I'm gon' make sure everybody eats

I got bills I gotta pay
So I'm gon' work, work, work every day
I got mouths I gotta feed
So I'm gon' make sure everybody eats
I got bills

(Mama got bills! Yo' daddy got bills!
Yo' sister got bills! Yo' auntie got bills!)
I got bills
(Uncle got bills! Everybody got bills! Everybody got bills!)

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Letra en inglés de Bills de LunchMoney Lewis

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