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Magnets ft. Lorde


Never really felt bad about it
As we drank deep from a lie
'Cause I felt melting magnets, babe
The second I saw you through half-shut eyes

Smoke and sunset, off Mulholland
He was talking, I was wondering 'bout
You and that girl, she your girlfriend?
Face from heaven, bet the world she don't know

Pretty girls don't know the things that I know
Walk my way, I'll share the things that she won't

Uh-oh, dancing past the point of no return
Let go, we can free ourselves of all we've learned
I love this secret language that we're speaking
Say it to me, let's embrace the point of no return
Let's embrace the point of no return
Let's embrace the point of no return

Never really thought we would make it
We be thinking about what could have been
But we've had a record summer, can't turn it down, oh
Now I don't wanna see the envy again

Smoke and sunset, off Mulholland
He was talking, I was wondering 'bout
You and that girl, she your girlfriend?
Face from heaven, bet the world she don't know

Pretty girls don't know the things that I know
Walk my way, I'll share the things that she won't

Uh-oh, dancing past the point of no return
Let go, we can free ourselves of all we've learned
I love this secret language that we're speaking
Say it to me, let's embrace the point of no return
Let's embrace the point of no return
Let's embrace the point of no return
Let's embrace the point of no return
Let's embrace the point of no return

(Let's embarce the point of no return)
(Let's embrace the point of no return)

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