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Bang My Head

David Guetta

I was bound, was tired
Hadn't seen a light so long
Thought I lost my fight
Couldn't find my way back home
And I found the light stepping out of me
I was bound, and tired
Waiting for daylight

Bang my head against the wall
Though I feel light headed, now I know I will not fall
I will rise above it all
Found what I was searching for
Though I feel light headed
I should have failed, and nailed the floor
Instead I rose above it all

Oh, oh, oh
Bang my head against the wall
Oh, oh, oh
Bang my head against the wall
Bang my head against the wall
Bang my head against the wall
Bang my head against the wall

I been climbing up the wall, going through it all, baby
It's so hard to live your life when you gave it up, baby
For the fans and the cameras
Different places, adventures
And the stress that it brings
Start to wonder if it's worth it, eh
I live life like it's perfect
My children are smiling and that makes me happy, eh
'Cause how I was living, I swear it had me
Bouncing my head off the wall
I am too far up, I cannot fall
Having fun, I don't know about y'all
It's ZooVier from ZooGang, I'm the boss
For my kids, give my life with no thought

Bang your head against the wall
You may feel light headed, but you won't fall
No you won't fall
You will rise above it all
You'll find what you're searching for
And you might feel light headed
You think you're gonna fall on the floor
Instead you rise above it all

Oh, oh, oh
Bang your head against the wall
Oh, oh, oh
(Bang my head against the wall)
(Bang my head against the wall)
(Bang my head against the wall)
(Bang my head against the wall)
Bang my head against the wall

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Letra en inglés de Bang My Head de David Guetta

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