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I think it's so cute and I think it's so sweet
How you let your friends encourage you to try and talk to me
But let me stop you there, oh, before you speak

Nah to the ah to the no, no, no
My name is no
My sign is no
My number is no
You need to let it go
You need to let it go
Need to let it go
Nah to the ah to the no, no, no
My name is no
My sign is no
My number is no
You need to let it go
You need to let it go
Need to let it go
Nah to the ah to the no, no, no

First you gonna say you ain't running game
Thinking I'm believing every word
Call me beautiful, so original
Telling me I'm not like other girls
I was in my zone before you came along
Now I'm thinking maybe you should go
Blah, blah, blah, I be like nah to the ah to the no, no, no

All my ladies, listen up
If that boy ain't giving up
Lick your lips and swing your hips
Girl all you gotta say is

My name is no
My sign is no
My number is no
You need to let it go
You need to let it go
Need to let it go
Nah to the ah to the no, no, no
My name is no
My sign is no
My number is no
You need to let it go
You need to let it go
Need to let it go
Nah to the ah to the no, no, no

Thank you in advance, I don't wanna dance (nope)
I don't need your hands all over me
If I want a man, then I'mma get a man
But it's never my priority
I was in my zone, before you came along
Don't want you to take this personal
Blah, blah, blah, I be like nah to the ah to the no, no, no

All my ladies, listen up
If that boy ain't giving up
Lick your lips and swing your hips
Girl all you gotta say is

My name is no
My sign is no
My number is no
You need to let it go
You need to let it go
Need to let it go
Nah to the ah to the no, no, no
My name is no
My sign is no
My number is no
You need to let it go
You need to let it go
Need to let it go
Nah to the ah to the no, no, no

I'm feeling
Untouchable, untouchable
I'm feeling
Untouchable, untouchable
I'm feeling
Untouchable, untouchable
I'm feeling
(nah to the ah to the, no, no, no)
I'm feeling
Untouchable, untouchable
I'm feeling
Untouchable, untouchable
I'm feeling
Untouchable, untouchable
I'm feeling
(nah to the ah to the, no, no, no)

All my ladies, listen up
If that boy ain't giving up
Lick your lips and swing your hips
Girl all you gotta say is

My name is no
My sign is no
My number is no
You need to let it go
You need to let it go
Need to let it go
Nah to the ah to the no, no, no
My name is no
My sign is no
My number is no
You need to let it go
You need to let it go
Need to let it go
Nah to the ah to the no, no, no

I'm feeling
Untouchable, untouchable
I'm feeling
Untouchable, untouchable
I'm feeling
Untouchable, untouchable
I'm feeling
Nah to the ah to the, no, no, no

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Letra en inglés de NO de Meghan Trainor

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