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Light It Up

Major Lazer

Stand up like a soldier baby
Yeah, I know you built like that
Gun it like a holster baby
Show dem say you wicked like that

We live where the war is raging
Chasing our crazy dreams
Hoping that the bridge won't cave in
Tonight we let it all go free

Gimme the ting and make me rock in a dance
Gimme the ting and make me rock in a dance
Mash it up, hot step in a dance
Gimme the ting and make me rock
Light it up
Gimme the ting and make me rock in a dance
Gimme the ting and make me rock in a dance
Mash it up, hot step in a dance
Gimme the ting and make

[Fuse ODG:]
Show them you're flames to the fire
It's written like your name on a flyer
They wanna tame your desire
But you light it up now your aims getting higher
I dey wait for messiah
But until that day I'm a rise up high
I put my light in the air
I wanna see everywhere
1 by 1 let me see you
2 by 2 for the sequel
3 by 3 for my people
(I know say I'm bound to be next like my neighbour, ye)
1 by 1 let me see you
2 by 2 for the sequel
3 by 3 for my people
(1, 2, 3, everybody go!)

Light it up
Light it up, light it up
Light it up
(Light it up)
1 by 1 let me see you
2 by 2 for the sequel
3 by 3 for my people
(I know say I'm bound to be next like my neighbour, yeah)
1 by 1 let me see you
2 by 2 for the sequel
3 by 3 for my people
Set it, set it, set it, set it, set it... ablaze
Set it ablaze like a candle wick
Hotter hotter hotter hotter
Yeah light it up

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Letra en inglés de Light It Up de Major Lazer

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