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This Girl


Money rains from the sky above
But keep the change cuz I've got enough
A little time and some tenderness
You'll never buy my love !!

No other thing that's as precious to
No other ! There's no other !
Then heart that feel and a heart that's true
Something that you've got to know this girl

Woh !
Take my hand
Or them over
Take my hand
O-or them over
Take my hand
Or them over
Take my hand you
Or them over

His presents don't really come for free
Your paychecks don't mean that much to me
Just take my hand and hold me tight
You'll never buy my love !
You buy me this and you buy me that
To win over ! Win me over !
You got me wrong and thats a fact
Somethin' that you've got to love this

Will you realize when I'm gone
That I dance to a different song
Will you realize when I'm gone
That I dance to a different song
It's a shame but I've got to go

Woh !
Take my hand
Or them over
Take my hand
O-or them over
Take my hand
Or them over
Take my hand you
Or them over

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Letra en inglés de This Girl de Kungs

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