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Mama Said

Lukas Graham

When Mama said that it was okay
Mama said that it was quite alright
Our kind of people had a bed for the night
And it was ok
Mama told us we are good kids
And daddy told us never listen to the ones
Pointing nasty fingers and making fun
'Cause we were good kids

Remember asking both my mom and dad
Why we never traveled to exotic lands
We only ever really visit friends
Nothing to tell when the summer ends
We never really went buying clothes
Folks were passing on this stuff in plenty loads
New shoes once a year and then
Out to play ball so we could ruin them

When mama said that it was okay
Mama said that it was quite alright
Our kind of people had a bed for the night
And it was ok
Mama told us we were good kids
And daddy told us never listen to the ones
Pointing nasty fingers and making fun
'Cause we were good kids

Don't get me wrong I didn't have it bad
I got enough loving from my mom and dad
But I don't think they really understood
When I said that I wanted the deal in Hollywood
I told them I'll be singing on TV
The other kids were calling me a wannabe
The older kids they started bugging me
But now they all standing right in front of me

When mama said that it was okay
Mama said that it was quite alright
Our kind of people had a bed for the night
And it was ok
Mama told us we were good kids
And daddy told us never listen to the ones
Pointing nasty fingers and making fun
'Cause we were good kids

I know which place I'm from
I know my home
When I'm in doubt and struggling
That's where I go
An old friend can give advice
When new friends only know a half story
That's why I'm always keep them tight
And why I'm okay
... I said I'm OK
You know what my mama said
You know what she told me

My mama said that it was ok
Mama said that it was quite alright
Our kind of people had a bed for the night
And it was ok
Mama said that we were good kids
And daddy told us never listen to the ones
Pointing nasty fingers and making fun
'Cause we were good kids

Mama said that it was okay
Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba ba-ba
Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba ba-ba
Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba ba-ba
When mama said that it was okay
Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba ba-ba
Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba ba-ba
Ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba ba-ba
When mama said that it was okay

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Letra en inglés de Mama Said de Lukas Graham

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