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I tried hard to make you want me
But we're not supposed to be
And the truth will always haunt me
Even though it set me free
And my tears flow like the ocean
As they floated in the breeze
They were falling in slow motion
And they brought me to my knees

You're haunting me, taunting me all in my brain
Turn off the light and now all that remains
Fills me with doubt
And I'm shouting your name out loud
Why do you wanna put me through the pain?
I get the feeling I'll never escape
I can't hide away from the shame of you

Tears on the ground, tears on my pillow
You won't bring me down
And I'll get over you
These tears will get me through
And I'll get over you

I'll get over you
I'll get over you
I'll get over you
I'll get over you

When did you lose your emotion?
When did you become so cruel?
And if you want to cut me open
Says a thousand words 'bout you
And in time I know you'll leave me
Like a distant memory
I know love can be so easy
If I start by loving me, oh

You're haunting me, taunting me all in my brain
Turn off the light and now all that remains
Fills me with doubt
And I'm shouting your name out loud
Why do you wanna put me through the pain?
I get the feeling I'll never escape
I can't hide away from the shame of you

Tears on the ground, tears on my pillow
You won't bring me down
And I'll get over you

I'll get over you
I'll get over you
I'll get over you

Tears on the ground, rain at my window
The pain washes out
And I'll get over you
These tears will get me through
And I'll get over you

I'll get over you
I'll get over you
I'll get over you
I don't need you to call me tonight
(I'll get over you)
I don't need you to see if I'm alright
(I'll get over you)
You left me, so leave me, I'm fine
I'll be here getting on with my life

Tears on the ground, tears on my pillow
You won't bring me down
Tears on the ground, rain at my window
The pain washes out
Tears on the ground, rain at my window
The pain washes out
And I'll get over you
Oh yeah, I'll get over you

I'll get over.
I'll get over you

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Letra en inglés de Tears de Clean Bandit

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