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She Sees Everything


I never had a fucking chance

Beautiful angel born to captivate
Star struck
I watched my courage disintegrate
I told myself that this would end in pain
Leaving me all alone
Still I knew my soul she'd take

Groveling prostrate
Begging for an audience
Shivering withdrawals
Blinded to the obvious
Compromise values
Everything is worthless
If you have her once you will always be her servant

Touch me
She's my hero
She sees everything
Love me
She's my hero
I am nothing
Save me
One more night is all I ask
Save me
Come on

Who am I?
Look back
Where the fuck did I begin?
Where am I?
Lost track
Ran the race I could not win
What is this romance?
Reconciled to giving in
So it goes
Follow her to hell again

Touch me
She's my hero
She sees everything
Love me
She's my hero
I am nothing
Save me
One more night is all I ask
Save me


What have I done?
Darling what have I done?
What have I done?
I'll show you all that I've done

For you
I turned my back on my family
For you
I severed all ties with my friends
They can't understand
For you
I gave up my worldly possessions
For you
I never had a chance

Groveling prostrate
Begging for an audience
Shivering withdrawals
Blinded to the obvious
Compromise values
Everything is worthless
If you have her once you will always be her servant

Touch me
She's my hero
She sees everything
Love me
She's my hero
I am nothing
Save me
One more night is all I ask
Save me


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