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I said about five minutes away
One more stop and I will be off this train
I'm free any day of the week
Always losing some sleep

I told myself I'll be back by ten
Trying save myself for the weekend
But I know me, I hate to miss a party

Don't say, don't say I didn't warn you
Don't say I didn't warn you
I live for the moment

I wasn't supposed to go out tonight
I should be at home
I got work at 9
Shouldn't be out here doing what I like
But it feels so good, so good

I was only gonna be an hour or two
I guess that now I'm here I'm going down with you
But it feels so good, so good

Angel on my shoulder's giving up on me
No listening to him and I can hardly speak
The music they play, makes me this way

I think it was only 10
How did it get to 3
It's like I'm in my own time machine
But you know me, I never leave

Don't say, don't say I didn't warn you
Don't say I didn't warn you
Just live for the moment

I wasn't supposed to go out tonight
I should be at home
I got work at 9
Shouldn't be out here doing what I like
But it feels so good, so good

I was only gonna be an hour or two
I guess that now I'm here I'm going down with you
But it feels so good, so good

Everyone I know is here
Drinking sours, crying tears
Living out the best years
So keep on toasting shots, cheers
People know it feels
So good

I wasn't supposed to go out tonight
I should be at home
I got work at 9
Shouldn't be out here doing what I like
But it feels so good, so good

I was only gonna be an hour or two
I guess that now I'm here I'm going down with you
But it feels so good, so good

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Letra en inglés de So Good de Louisa Johnson

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