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You lay here with me, you're shutting down
I smell her on you, I'm focused now
I know what's going on in your head, yeah
I know what's happened here in our bed, yeah
Your phone is buzzing, so pick it up
I know she calling, so what the... shh, ah
I should've known a cheat stays a cheater
So here we are

And there goes the alarm ringing in my head
Like somebody said, "Don't you trust him?" No
Texting from his ex, what did you expect?
Now you're lying here knowing where he goes
Now he gotta get you
Karma is a bitch, yeah
Same way that they come that's the way they go
Now he gotta get you
Rewinding the picture
There goes the alarm and the siren's go

There goes the alarm
I saw it coming, I let it go
My girls will tell me, "I told you so."
But I was so intrigued by your style, boy
Always been a sucker for a wild boy
I'm better than this, I know my worth
I might be getting what I deserve
But I ain't sticking 'round for the rerun
What's done is done

And there goes the alarm ringing in my head
Like somebody said, "Don't you trust him?" No
Texting from his ex, what did you expect?
Now you're lying here knowing where he goes
Now he gotta get you
Karma is a bitch, yeah
Same way that they come that's the way they go
Now he gotta get you
Rewinding the picture
There goes the alarm and the siren's go

There goes the alarm
Now he gotta get you
Same way that they go
Now he gotta get you
There goes the alarm, yeah
Same way that they go
Now he gotta get you, yeah

Bang bang, two-shots fired
Man down, one fool, one liar
Ring ring, trust gone missing
House on fire, house on fire
Bang bang, two-shots fired
Man down, one fool, one liar
Ring ring, trust gone missing
House on fire

And there goes the alarm ringing in my head
Like somebody said, "Don't you trust him?" No
Texting from his ex, what did you expect?
Now you're lying here knowing where he goes
Now he gotta get you
Karma is a bitch, yeah
Same way that they come that's the way they go
Now he gotta get you
Rewinding the picture
There goes the alarm and the siren's go

There goes the alarm
Now he gotta get you
There goes the alarm
There goes the alarm
Now he gotta get you
There goes the alarm
There goes the alarm

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Letra en inglés de Alarm de Anne-Marie

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