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Woke up this morning, can't shake the thunder from last night
You left with no warning and took the summer from my life
I gave you my everything, now my world it don't seem right
Can we just go back to being us again?

'Cause when I'm sitting in the bar
All the lovers with umbrellas always pass me by
It's like I'm living in the dark
And my heart's turned cold since you left my life
And no matter where I go
Girl, I know if I'm alone, there ain't no blue sky
I don't know what I'm doing wrong

'Cause baby, when you're gone
All it does is rain, rain, rain down on me
Each drop is pain, pain, pain when you leave
It's such a shame we fucked it up, you and me
'Cause baby, when you're gone
All it does is rain

And it feels like
And it feels like
'Cause baby, when you're gone
All it does is rain

I tried to find shelter here in the arms of someone new
But I'd rather be there under the covers just with you, ooh
'Cause you were my everything, now I don't know what to do
Oh, I'm caught up in the storm

'Cause baby, when you're gone
All it does is rain, rain, rain down on me
Each drop is pain, pain, pain when you leave
It's such a shame we fucked it up, you and me
'Cause baby, when you're gone
All it does is rain

And it feels like
And it feels like
'Cause baby, when you're gone
All it does is rain

'Cause when I'm sitting in the bar
All the lovers with umbrellas always pass me by
It's like I'm living in the dark
And my heart's turned cold since you left my life
And no matter where I go
Well, I know if I'm alone, there'll be no blue sky
I don't know what I'm doing wrong

Baby, when you're gone
All it does is rain, rain, rain down on me
Each drop is pain, pain, pain when you leave
It's such a shame we fucked it up, you and me
'Cause baby, when you're gone
All it does is rain

And it feels like
And it feels like
'Cause baby, when you're gone
All it does is rain

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