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[Chris Martin:]
My father said never give up son
Just look how good Cassius become
Muhammad, Mahatma, and Nelson
Not scared to be strong

Now you could run and just say they’re right
No I'll never be no one in my whole life
Or you could turn and say no wait they're wrong
And get to keep on dancing all life long

My father said never give up son
Just look what Amelia and Joan done
Or Rosa, Teresa their war won
Not scared to be strong

Now you could run and just say they’re right
No I’ll never be no one in my whole life
Or you could turn and say no wait, they’re wrong
And get to keep on dancing all life long

Yeah you could be someone special
You've got bright in your brains and lightning in your veins
You'll go higher than they've ever gone
In you I see someone special
You've got fire in your eyes and when you realize you'll go further than we've ever gone
Just turn it on

[Big Sean:]
Look I paid my intuition I couldn't afford tuition
My funds was insufficient, it felt like I'm in prison
Until I realized I had to set my mind free
I was trusting statistics more than I trust me
Get a degree, good job, 401k, but I’m trying to turn k’s to m’s, what does it take?
And maybe I could be the new Ali of music prolly
Instead of doing it just as a hobby like these boys told me to
I guess you either watch the show or you show and prove
Prove it to them or you prove it to yourself but honestly it's better if you do it for yourself
Never complacent till we hit the oasis
One life don't waste it feel my heart races, success I taste it, ah
Ah we on the verge of getting every single thing that we deserve

[Chris Martin:]
Yeah you could be someone special
You've got fire in your eyes I see heaven inside you'll go further than we've ever gone
In you I see someone special
You've got bright in your brains you can break through those chains you'll go higher than we've ever gone
Just turn it on

In you I see someone special
Don't go to war with yourself
Just turn, just turn, just turn it on and you can't go wrong

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Letra en inglés de Miracles de ColdPlay

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