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Beautiful Trauma


We were on fire
I slashed your tires
It's like we burned so bright we burned out
I made you chase me
I wasn't that friendly
My love, my drug, we're fucked up, oh

'Cause I've been on the run so long they can't find me
You waking up to remember I'm pretty
And when the chemicals leave my body
Yeah, they're gonna find me in a hotel lobby 'cause

Mmm tough, times they keep coming
All night laughing and fucking
Some days like I'm barely breathing
And after we were high in the love, doped out

It was you
The pill I keep taking
The nightmare I'm waking
There's nothing, no nothing, nothing but you
My perfect rock bottom
My beautiful trauma
My love, my love, my drug, oh

My love, my love, my love, my drug, oh
My love, my love, my love, my drug, oh
My love, my love, my love, my drug, oh
My love... my love, my drug, we're fucked up

You punched a hole in
The wall and I framed it
I wish I could feel things like you
Everyone's chasing
That holy feeling
And if we don't stay lit we'll blow out
Blow out

'Cause we've been on the run so long they can't find us
Who's gonna have to die to remind us
That it feels like we chose this blindly
Now I'm gonna fuck up a hotel lobby 'cause

These tough, times they keep coming
Last night I might have messed it up again
Some days like I'm barely breathing
And after we were high in the love, doped out

It was you
The pill I keep taking
The nightmare I'm waking
There's nothing, no nothing, nothing but you
My perfect rock bottom
My beautiful trauma
My love (my love), my love, my drug, oh

My love, my love, my love, my drug, oh
My love, my love, my love, my drug, oh
My love, my love, my love, my drug, oh
My love... my love, my drug, we're fucked up

Mmm tough, times they keep coming
All night laughing and fucking
Some days like I'm barely breathing
And after we were high in the love, doped out

It was you
The pill I keep taking
The nightmare I'm waking
There's nothing, no nothing, nothing but you
My perfect rock bottom
My beautiful trauma
My love, my love, my drug, oh

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