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More Than Friends

James Hype

I often tell myself that we could be more than just friends
I know you think that if we move too soon it would all end
I live in misery when you're not around
I won't be satisfied till we're taking those vows

What's it gonna be 'cause I can't pretend
Don't you wanna be more than friends
Hold me tight and don't let go
Hold me tight and don't let go

What's it gonna be 'cause I can't pretend
Don't you wanna be more than friends
What's it gonna be 'cause I can't pretend
Don't you wanna be more than friends

Hold me tight and don't let go
Hold me tight and don't let go
Hold me tight and don't let go
Hold me tight and don't let go
(Hold me tight and don't let go)

I often fantasize the stars above are watching you
They know my heart, it speaks to yours like only lovers do
If I could wear your clothes I'd pretend I was you
And lose control

There'll be some love making, heart breaking, soul shaking love
Love makin', heart breakin', soul shakin'

What's it gonna be 'cause I can't pretend
Don't you wanna be more than friends
What's it gonna be 'cause I can't pretend
Don't you wanna be more than friends
(Hold me tight and don't let go)

Runnin in and outta life
Has got me so confused
We gotta make the sacrifice
Somebody's gotta choose
We can make it if we try
For the sake of you and I
Together we can make it right

What's it gonna be 'cause I can't pretend
Don't you wanna be more than friends
Hold me tight and don't let go
Hold me tight and don't let go
Hold me tight and don't let go
What's it gonna be

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