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Yeah Rihanna
Good girl gone bad
Take three, action

No clouds in my storms
Let it rain, I hydroplane in the bank
Coming down with the Dow Jones
When the clouds come we gone
We rockafella
We fly higher than weather
And G5’s are better,
You know me!
An anticipation, for precipitation
Stacked chips for the rainy day
Jay, Rain Man is back with little Ms. Sunshine
Rihanna where you at?

You have my heart
And we'll never be worlds apart
May be in magazines
But you'll still be my star
Baby cause in the dark
You can't see shiny cars
And that's when you need me there
With you I'll always share

When the sun shine, we’ll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be a friend
Took an oath I'm stick it out till the end

Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella

Under my umbrella
Under my umbrella
Under my umbrella

These fancy things, will never come in between
You're part of my entity, here for infinity
When the war has took it's part
When the world has dealt it's cards
If the hand is hard, together we'll mend your heart

When the sun shine, we’ll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be a friend
Took an oath I'ma stick it out till the end

Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella

Under my umbrella
Under my umbrella
Under my umbrella

You can run into my arms
It's ok don't be alarmed
Come here to me
There's no distance in between our love

So go on and let the rain pour
I'll be all you need and more...

When the sun shine, we’ll shine together
Told you I'll be here forever
Said I'll always be a friend
Took an oath I'ma stick it out till the end

Now that it's raining more than ever
Know that we'll still have each other
You can stand under my umbrella
You can stand under my umbrella

Under my umbrella
Under my umbrella
Under my umbrella

It's raining, raining
Oh baby it's raining, raining
Baby come here to me
Come here to me
It's raining, raining
Oh baby it's raining, raining
There's no distance in between...
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Letra en inglés de Umbrella de Rihanna

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