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All Around The World


It's a bit early in the midnight hour for me
To go through all the things that I want to be
I don't believe in everything I see
You know I'm blind so why you disagree

Take me away, cos I just don't want to stay
And the lies you make me say
Are getting deeper every day
These are crazy days but they make me shine
Time keeps rolling by

All around the world, you've got to spread the word
Tell them what you heard
We're gonna make a better day
All around the world, you've got to spread the word
Tell them what you heard
You know it's gonna be o.k.

What you gonna do when the walls come falling down?
You never move you never make a sound
Where you gonna swim with the riches that you found?
If you're lost at sea well I hope that you've drowned

Take me away, cos I just don't want to stay
And the lies you make me say
Are getting deeper every day
These are crazy days but they make me shine
Time keeps rolling by

All around the world, you've got to spread the word
Tell them what you heard
We're gonna make a better day
All around the world, you've got to spread the word
Tell them what you heard
You know it's gonna be o.k.

nanananaa nanananaa nanananaa naanaaa

All around the world, you've got to spread the word
Tell them what you heard
We're gonna make a better day
Cos all around the world, you've got to spread the word
Tell them what you heard
You know it's gonna be o.k.

It's gonna be o.k.
It's gonna be o.k.
It's gonna be o.k.

All around the world, you've got to spread the word
Tell them what you heard
We're gonna make a better day
And all around the world, you've got to spread the word
Tell them what you heard
You know it's gonna be o.k.

laa laalaaa lalaalaaa lalaalala lalaaalaa
laa laalaaa lalaalaaa lalaalala lalaaalaa

Yeah I know what I know
I don't know what I know
Yeah I know what I know
It's gonna be okay

Yeah I know what I know
I don't know what I know
Yeah I know what I know
So please don't cry I never said bye
So please don't cry I never said bye
Nanana, nanana, nananana nananaaa
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Letra en inglés de All Around The World de Oasis

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