
The human body in English.

Below are the parts of the human body. Remember you can always review them with the function Review your Words or print them if you are registered with the function Printable Version

More common parts of the human body

Spanish English Pronunciation
boca mouth [mouth]
brazo arm [ahrm]
cabello hair [hair]
cabeza head [hed]
cadera hip [hip]
cara face [feys]
ceja eyebrow ['ahy-brou]
cintura waist [weyst]
codo elbow ['el-boh]
corazón heart [hahrt]
cuello neck [nek]
dedo de la mano finger ['fing-ger]
dedo del pie toe [toh]
diente tooth [tooth]
dientes teeth [teeth]
espalda, atrás back [bak]
frente forehead ['fawr-hed]
hombro shoulder ['shohl-der]
labio lip [lip]
mano hand [hand]
mejilla cheek [cheek]
muñeca wrist [rist]
nariz nose [nohz]
ojo eye [ahy]
oreja ear [eer]
pecho chest [chest]
pie foot [foot]
piel skin [skin]
pierna leg [leg]
pies feet [feet]
puño fist [fist]
rodilla knee [nee]
tobillo ankle ['ang-kuhl]
uña, clavo nail [neyl]

Other parts of the human body

Spanish English Pronunciation
arruga wrinkle ['ring-kuhl]
arteria artery ['ahr-tuh-ree]
articulación joint [joint]
axila armpit ['ahrm-pit]
barba beard [beerd]
barriga belly ['bel-ee]
bigote mustache ['muhs-tash]
cerebro brain [breyn]
columna vertebral spine [spahyn]
costilla rib [rig]
cráneo skull [skuhl]
encía gum [guhm]
esqueleto skeleton ['skel-i-tn]
estómago stomach ['stuhm-uhk]
garganta throat [throht]
hígado liver ['liv-er]
hueso bone [bohn]
intestino bowel ['bou-uhl]
lengua tongue [tuhng]
mandíbula jaw [jaw]
mentón chin [chin]
miembro limb [lim]
músculo muscle ['muhs-uhl]
muslo thigh [thahy]
nalga buttock ['buht-uhk]
nuca nape [neyp]
nudillo knuckle ['nuhk-uhl]
ombligo navel ['ney-vuhl]
párpado eyelid ['ahy-lid]
pelvis pelvis ['pel-vis]
pene penis ['pee-nis]
pestaña eyelash ['ahy-lash]
pómulo cheekbone ['cheek-bohn]
pulmón lung [luhng]
riñón kidney ['kid-nee]
sangre blood [bluhd]
talón heel [heel]
tórax thorax ['thawr-aks]
tronco trunk [truhngk]
vagina vagina [vuh-'jahy-nuh]
vejiga bladder ['blad-er]
vena vein [veyn]
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