
Vegetables in English.

Below are the vegetables in English. Remember you can always review them with the function Review your Words or print them if you are registered with the function Printable Version

Vegetables in English

Spanish English Pronunciation
aguacate avocado [av-uh-'kah-doh]
ajo garlic ['gahr-lik]
alcachofa artichoke ['ahr-ti-chohk]
apio celery ['sel-uh-ree]
berenjena eggplant ['eg-plant]
boniato sweet potato [sweet puh-'tey-toh]
brócoli broccoli ['brok-uh-lee}
calabacín zucchini [zoo-'kee-nee]
calabaza pumpkin ['puhng-kin]
cebolla onion ['uhn-yuhn]
champiñón mushroom ['muhsh-room]
endibia endive ['en-dahyv]
espárragos asparagus [uh-'spar-uh-guhs]
espinaca spinach ['spin-ich]
guisante pea [pee]
judía bean [been]
lechuga lettuce ['let-is]
maíz corn [kawrn]
nabo turnip ['tur-nip]
patata potato [puh-'tey-toh]
pepino cucumber ['kyoo-kuhm-ber]
perejil parsley ['pahr-slee]
pimiento/a pepper ['pep-er]
rábano radish ['rad-ish]
remolacha beet [beet]
tomate tomato [tuh-'mey-toh]
zanahoria carrot ['kar-uht]
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