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The function Review your words will help you to review and learn new vocabulary. You can select the irregular verbs or conjuctions in English that are already introduced, or any other group like colours, ordinal numbers, kitchen, fruits...

Remember that when you add a word, you have the option to clasify it by type or group. You can create groups of words like "house, clothes, tools, the name of a singer..." and types like "verbs, adjectives, conjuctions..." If you organize your words by type or group, it will help you to review them later on. This is useful too when it comes to use the function Printable version.

When you send off the selection, the words will be shown up so that you can type the meaning. If you don't know the meaning of any word, you can always see it, by hovering the mouse on the word, you will see the meaning in form of a dialog.

Moreover, you can see the sentences and relations of any word. That will give you hints to remember the meaning. We encorage you to study the irregular verbs and conjuctions because they are very important to keep a good conversation in English.

Start to learn English or any other language with SongsAndWords.
Spanish  English   |    Aviso Legal   |    Política de Privacidad   |    On SongsAndWords you will find: lyrics, music videos, top songs of 2025, the best English music of the moment and of the years 80's and 90's, nursery rhymes, love songs, English exercices, review vocabulary and create your own library of songs and your own dictionary.