
Fruits in English.

Below are the fruits in English. Remember you can always review them with the function Review your Words or print them if you are registered with the function Printable Version

Fruits and Nuts

Spanish English Pronunciation
albaricoque apricot ['ap-ri-kot]
almendra almond ['ah-muhnd]
anacardo cashew ['kash-oo]
arándano blueberry ['bloo-ber-ee]
avellana hazelnut ['hey-zuhl-nuht]
cacahuete peanut ['pee-nuht]
castaña chestnut ['ches-nuht]
cereza cherry ['cher-ee]
ciruela plum [pluhm]
coco coconut ['koh-kuh-nuht]
dátil date [deyt]
frambuesa raspberry ['raz-ber-ee]
fresa strawberry ['straw-ber-ee]
granada pomegranate ['pom-i-gran-it]
higo fig [fig]
kiwi kiwi ['kee-wee]
lima lime [lahym]
limón lemon ['lem-uhn]
mandarina tangerine ['tan-juh-reen]
mango mango ['mang-goh]
manzana apple ['ap-uhl]
melocotón peach [peech]
melón melon ['mel-uhn]
membrillo quince [kwins]
naranja orange [awr-inj]
nectarina nectarine ['nek-tuh-reen]
níspero medlar ['med-ler]
nuez walnut ['wawl-nuht]
papaya pawpaw ['paw-'paw]
pasa raisin ['rey-zin]
pera pear [pair]
piña pineapple ['pahy-nap-uhl]
platano banana [buh-'nan-uh]
pomelo grapefruit ['greyp-froot]
sandía watermelon ['waw-ter-mel-uhn]
uva grape [greyp]
zarzamora blackberry ['blak-ber-ee]

Learn the fruits in English with the fruit's song. Click Here to go to the song and see the lyrics.

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