Fruits in English.
Below are the fruits in English. Remember you can always review them with the function Review your Words or print them if you are registered with the function Printable Version
Spanish | English | Pronunciation |
albaricoque | apricot | ['ap-ri-kot] |
almendra | almond | ['ah-muhnd] |
anacardo | cashew | ['kash-oo] |
arándano | blueberry | ['bloo-ber-ee] |
avellana | hazelnut | ['hey-zuhl-nuht] |
cacahuete | peanut | ['pee-nuht] |
castaña | chestnut | ['ches-nuht] |
cereza | cherry | ['cher-ee] |
ciruela | plum | [pluhm] |
coco | coconut | ['koh-kuh-nuht] |
dátil | date | [deyt] |
frambuesa | raspberry | ['raz-ber-ee] |
fresa | strawberry | ['straw-ber-ee] |
granada | pomegranate | ['pom-i-gran-it] |
higo | fig | [fig] |
kiwi | kiwi | ['kee-wee] |
lima | lime | [lahym] |
limón | lemon | ['lem-uhn] |
mandarina | tangerine | ['tan-juh-reen] |
mango | mango | ['mang-goh] |
manzana | apple | ['ap-uhl] |
melocotón | peach | [peech] |
melón | melon | ['mel-uhn] |
membrillo | quince | [kwins] |
naranja | orange | [awr-inj] |
nectarina | nectarine | ['nek-tuh-reen] |
níspero | medlar | ['med-ler] |
nuez | walnut | ['wawl-nuht] |
papaya | pawpaw | ['paw-'paw] |
pasa | raisin | ['rey-zin] |
pera | pear | [pair] |
piña | pineapple | ['pahy-nap-uhl] |
platano | banana | [buh-'nan-uh] |
pomelo | grapefruit | ['greyp-froot] |
sandía | watermelon | ['waw-ter-mel-uhn] |
uva | grape | [greyp] |
zarzamora | blackberry | ['blak-ber-ee] |
Learn the fruits in English with the fruit's song. Click Here to go to the song and see the lyrics.