
Colours in English.

Colour is the visual perceptual property corresponding in humans to the categories called red, green, blue, and others. Color derives from the spectrum of light interacting in the eye with the spectral sensitivities of the light receptors.
The white color can be produced by combining the red, the green and blue, while combining pigments cyan, magenta and yellow, the color produced is black.
White light can be separated in all the colors by a prism. In nature this separation occurs in a rainbow.

Below are the colors in English. Remember you can always review them with the function Review your Words or print them if you are registered with the function Printable Version

Common Colors

Colour Spanish English Pronunciation
Amarillo Yellow 'yel-oh
Azul Blue [bloo]
Blanco White [wahyt]
Gris Gray [grey]
Marrón Brown [broun]
Naranja Orange ['awr-inj]
Negro Black [blak]
Rojo Red [red]
Rosa Pink [pingk]
Verde Green [green]

Other Colors

Colour Spanish English Pronunciation
Azul marino Navy Blue ['ney-vee bloo]
Celeste Sky Blue [skahy bloo]
Chocolate Chocolate ['chawk-lit]
Dorado Golden ['gohl-duhn]
Fucsia Fuchsia ['fyoo-shuh]
Granate Maroon ['muh-roon]
Color Avellana Hazel ['hey-zuhl]
Morado Purple ['pur-puhl]
Oliva Olive ['ol-iv]
Plata Silver ['sil-ver]
Turquesa Turquoise ['tur-koiz]
Verde claro Light Green [lahyt green]
Verde oscuro Dark Green [dahrk green]
Violeta Violet ['vahy-uh-lit]
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