
Food in English.

Below are the food in English. Remember you can always review them with the function Review your Words or print them if you are registered with the function Printable Version.
By clicking on "Do Exercice" you can type the meaning of every word. It is a good exercice to learn the food in spanish. If you want to learn more about food, you can visit the section "Vegetables" or "Fruits" on the left menu.


Spanish English Pronunciation
aceite oil [oil]
aperitivo appetizer ['ap-i-tahy-zer]
arroz rice [rahys]
azucar sugar ['shoog-er]
bocadillo sandwich ['sand-wich]
canela cinnamon ['sin-uh-muhn]
carne meat [meet]
carne de cerdo pork [pawrk]
carne de vaca beef [beef]
comida food [food]
ensalada salad ['sal-uhd]
fruta fruit [froot]
fruto seco nut [nuht]
hamburguesa burger ['bur-ger]
harina flour ['flou-er]
helado ice-cream [ahys kreem]
huevo egg [eg]
leche milk [milk]
mantequilla butter ['buht-er]
mayonesa mayonnaise [mey-uh-'neyz]
pan bread [bred]
pasta pasta ['pas-tuh]
pastel cake [keyk]
pescado fish [fish]
pollo chicken ['chik-uhn]
postre dessert [dih-'zurt]
queso cheese [cheez]
sal salt [sawlt]
salchicha sausage ['saw-sij]
sopa soup [soop]
tortilla omelette ['om-lit]
tostada toast [tohst]
trigo wheat [weet]
vinagre vinegar ['vin-i-ger]
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