
Kitchen in English.

Below are the Kitchen in English. Remember you can always review them with the function Review your Words or print them if you are registered with the function Printable Version


Spanish English Pronunciation
abrelatas can opener [kan 'oh-puh-ner]
agua water ['waw-ter]
armario cupboard ['kuhb-erd]
barrer sweep [sweep]
basura garbage ['gahr-bij]
bol bowl [bohl]
cacerola, sarten pan [pan]
café coffee ['kaw-fee]
cajón drawer ['draw-er]
cerveza beer [beer]
cocina kitchen ['kich-uhn]
congelador freezer ['free-zer]
cubiertos cutlery ['kuht-luh-ree]
cuchara spoon [spoon]
cuchillo knife [nahyf]
embudo funnel ['fuhn-l]
escoba broom [broom]
estante shelf [shelf]
fogón stove [stohv]
fregar (platos) scrub [skruhb]
fregona mop [mop]
grifo tap [tap]
horno oven ['uhv-uhn]
hundir, fregadero sink [singk]
jabón soap [sohp]
lavaplatos dishwasher ['dish-wosh-er]
lavar wash [wosh]
microondas microwave ['mahy-kroh-weyv]
nevera fridge [frij]
olla pot [pot]
plato dish [dish]
rallador grater ['grey-ter]
receta recipe ['res-uh-pee]
sacacorchos corkscrew ['kawrk-skroo]
servilleta napkin ['nap-kin]
taza cup [kuhp]
tenedor fork [fawrk]
tetera kettle ['ket-l]
tijeras scissors ['siz-erz]
tostadora toaster ['toh-ster]
trapo cloth [kloth]
vaso glass [glas]
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